Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why I Am Not in Church Today

So, basically, until/unless I find a church that I can honestly, truthfully call a church home, I am done with church attendance. I have thought about this long and hard, and don't like the idea of not fellowshipping with other believers, but I frankly see no other choice.

As I type this, Congress is mulling a bill that would cut food stamps for working families. For the 42nd time, they are desperately trying to defund the ACA, because they do not feel they should have to support it. An instead of denouncing these thugs, the church is CHEERING THEM ON!

I am done. I am through. This is not the Christ I serve, and I will not wear the banner of any church that believes it is acceptable to refuse to care for the poor, especially while we continue to fund large corporations, and war. I realize this puts me at odds with a lot of people, but that's a cross I am not only willing to bear, but have decided I must.

The evangelical church has taken the position that the church, not the government, should be responsible for caring for the poor. And they have done so not only without Scriptural support, but actually in defiance of it (Ezekial 16:49 mentions that the sin of Sodom was "pride and excess of food, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door. It mentions nothing about the responsibility of the Jewish people to do this, but rather of the responsibility og the government. Both Jonah and Nahum reference the lack of compassion of the people of Nineveh, and how it almost led to its destruction in the former book, and ultimately led to its destruction in the latter).

I have, for my part, remained silent on these matters because I have wrongly followed the advice of the leaders. It was advice I knew to be wrong, and advice I followed because I felt it necessary to fit in. In this blog I am publicly repenting my years of service to Mammon and to a church which has no desire to follow the living God. I realize that while I need money to survive, I must no longer serve money.

If you're willing to join with me in this cause, I welcome you and will fellowship with you. If you are not, I bless you and wish you a long and prosperous life. But as for me and my house...well, it's time for that to be more than just a cheesy cliche!

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